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Wallet keys tab in Space General options


Wallet keys refer to digital keys that reside in the corresponding Wallet app on your mobile phone. By using NFC to communicate with electronic locks, the same technology used by contactless key fobs or keycards, they offer a fast and reliable digital key experience on Android and Apple devices.

You can select the following options from the Wallet keys tab:

  • Transact, which must be selected only when using Android Wallet keys.
  • Alliants, which must be selected only when using Apple Wallet keys (iOS).

Transact and Alliants are third-party platforms. By configuring these options, Space will be able to communicate with Transact and Alliants environments, so they can be synchronized at all times. See Configuring Wallet keys settings in Space for more information on how to configure the SAM and issuing Wallet keys options.

Note that the Alliants functionality is license-dependent. See Registering and licensing Space for more information or contact your Salto representative.

Select System > General options > Wallet keys to view the tab.

Screenshot showing some of the options available in the 'Wallet keys' tabScreenshot showing some of the options available in the 'Wallet keys' tab

It is assumed that operators who configure Wallet keys settings are familiar with the technologies and associated terms mentioned in this section.

See Wallet for more information on how to configure the Wallet keys options within System > SAM & Issuing options.


Transact communicates with Azure Event Grid to synchronize Space and Transact events, such as cloud events, user and key creation, etc. See Space server and Connectivity scheme for Space for more information.

To configure the Transact settings, do the following:

  1. Select System > General options > Wallet keys.

  2. Select the Transact integration type from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Transact configuration panel, click the pencil edit button. The Connection string configuration dialog box is displayed.

  4. Fill every field in the Connection string configuration dialog box. This data is provided by Transact. Once all these details have been entered, a connection string is automatically generated.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save. Transact Wallet keys are now configured and ready to be used.


The Alliants option is only used in Space hotel installations. See Hotels for information about hotel features in Space.

Note that the Hotel and Alliants functionalities are license-dependent. See Registering and licensing Space for more information or contact your Salto representative.

To configure the Alliants settings, do the following:

  1. Select System > General options > Wallet keys.

  2. Select the Alliants integration type from the drop-down list.

  3. In the API panel, click on Generate. The Authentication (API key) is automatically generated. This authentication key allows the connection between Space and Alliants and the same generated authentication key must also be used in the Alliants environment.

  4. Configure the Alliants integration API port from the Advanced tab in the ProAccess Space Configurator. You can find it on the same Space client on which Space has been installed.

Configure the 'Alliants integration' API port from the ProAccess Space ConfiguratorConfigure the 'Alliants integration' API port from the ProAccess Space Configurator

  1. Select the checkbox Enable in the WebHook panel of the Wallet keys tab in General options to activate it.

  2. Complete the WebHook URL, the Username and Password fields. This data is provided by Alliants.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click the Test connection button to verify the WebHook data you have entered is correct.

  5. In the WalletHub panel, enter the username and password. These details are provided by Salto. Get in touch with your Salto partner or usual Salto tech support contact for more information about these credentials.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click the Test connection button to verify the WalletHub data you have entered is correct.

  8. Once verified, click Activate. Alliants Wallet keys are now configured and ready to be used.

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