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Moving out units in Homelok


The "move out" feature replaces the previous "clean out" functionality, which is now deprecated.

Moving out a unit deletes all the users belonging to it. The process implicitly entails the blocking of keys that were active within the unit. However, moving out a unit will not delete the access and the associated doors that belong to the unit.

Moving out also makes the activity in the unit generated by the previous users no longer visible in the unit Activity tab. This means that new unit managers will not see the activity of previous users of that specific unit. The activity does however remain visible to property managers at the installation level. Note that this depends on whether the Unit privacy feature is turned on or off. See the section on unit privacy for more details.

This feature is useful for use cases like short-term rental apartments, where tenants frequently move in and out of the apartments. It's also intended to be used to ease access management for vacation rentals. By moving out the apartment, the previous tenants and their keys become invalid, but the access and the doors associated with the unit remain valid.

How to move out a unit

Use the Move out option by selecting the three dots menu on the main unit screen to move out a unit. You can also move out a unit directly from the unit list view by selecting the menu to the right of the unit name.

Move out unitMoving out a unit entails deleting all the users and keys within that unit

When you use the Move out option, you will see a validation message warning you that moving out a unit will remove all the users belonging to that unit. You cannot delete the last remaining user of a unit until you move out that unit.

If there is only one unit user left in the unit, and you try to delete them, the system will automatically ask you if you want to move out the unit.

If a unit user also exists as a user at the installation level they will not be deleted at that level. Moving out will only remove them from the unit that they belong to.

Only property managers or owners can move out a unit. Unit managers cannot move out their own units.

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