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Best practices for setting up Nebula installations Beta


The way you set up the access plan for your installation can depend on a variety of factors. Por ejemplo:

  • The size of your installation
  • The kind of devices you're using
  • The types of keys you assign to your users
  • Whether your installation contains units or not

This section aims to provide a series of best practices when it comes to setting up your Nebula access plan. Specifically it refers to the order in which you should create the different elements of the system (devices, access rights, users, etc.) to ensure a smooth set up and ongoing management.

Creating and configuring devices

The first and most important part of any installation set up is creating and configuring the devices that belong to the installation.

There are two ways to create and set up devices in Nebula:

  1. Create the devices in Nebula web first, then set up and configure them via the app.
  2. Use only the app to create, set up and configure the devices.

For larger installations it's generally recommended that you create the devices with their names and properties (for example, connection types, parent devices, opening modes, etc.) using Nebula web, before configuring them using the Nebula app.

A large installation is considered to be one that contains over 100 access points. For these kinds of installations it's assumed that you have a map of all the access points and a clear and coherent naming system worked out prior to installing "locks on the doors".

This means it's easier to envisage a high-level layout of the installation and replicate this plan in Nebula web.

For smaller installations, however, you might find it more "agile" for an installer to directly create and configure the devices at the same time as they're installing them. This kind of set up might be useful for small hotels, or offices that have a small number of doors with Salto locks on them.

Whichever path you choose, remember that you should first create and configure devices before creating the other elements that make up the system's access plan.

Even if you do create, set up and configure devices using only the app, once created, these devices will then display in Nebula web. This means that certain device configurations can subsequently be carried out in the web application.

This guide for system managers generally assumes that the locks are "on the doors". Nevertheless, you can find more information about device configuration in the installer section.

Cómo crear cerraduras electrónicas

You use access points to manage the behavior of electronic locks in your installation. You might find it useful to consider that while access points enable the composition of the installation's access plan, electronic locks are the actual physical locking devices that allow or deny a user access.

Although not a best practice as such, be aware that when you create an electronic lock in the devices section of either Nebula web or the app, the access point that governs that electronic lock is created at the same time.

See the sections on creating electronic locks and access points for more information.

Creating access rights

Once your locks are on the doors and correctly configured, you can then create the installation's access rights. You should do this before adding any users to the system.

For the purposes of this section, the term "users" here refers primarily to keyholders. Users with management roles can be added to Nebula before creating access rights.

You should consider access rights as groups of permissions that can be given to users to simplify the management of access to and within your installation.

Some examples of access rights could be the following:

  • Access to all perimeter access points
  • Access to car park and main entrances
  • Access to restricted areas
  • Access to maintenance areas

Deleting access rights is not considered to be a task that you'll frequently carry out. However, if an access right is actively being used by users, the system will block you from deleting it.

See the section on access rights for more details.

Cómo crear usuarios

Only once you've created access rights should you then create users in your installation.

You should add access rights to users BEFORE you assign any type of key to them.

It is possible for users to have multiple types of keys, but this will depend on the type of subscription you have purchased for Nebula. For example, Apple Wallet keys is a license-dependent feature.


If your installation contains units, ensure you create them after the initial installation set up.

A key best practice when creating units is to separate out access rights into those that relate to communal access points and those that are unit-specific. Esto le permite al gestor de la unit un control más granulado a la hora de dar acceso a los usuarios de la unit.

See the section on units for more information on best practices for creating and managing units.


Llaves físicas

If the users in your installation use physical keys (cards or fobs), you should make sure that they hold their key in front of the lock's reader until it blinks green (access granted) or red (access denied). Al realizar una apertura, asegúrate de que mantienen la llave en la cerradura el tiempo suficiente como para que el LED de la cerradura parpadee en verde y puedan abrirla. Antes de que la luz LED parpadee en verde para indicar que el acceso ha sido concedido, esta puede mostrar parpadeos cortos en amarillo.

This is highly important at online access points because the lock will also transfer any new data to the user's key as they unlock it using Salto's SVN-Flex technology. Estos datos podrían incluir, por ejemplo, nuevos permisos de acceso o una prolongación del período de caducidad de la llave.

Llaves digitales

Para llaves digitales como las llaves app, no es necesario mantener la llave junto a la cerradura. Mobile devices can unlock doors at a greater distance, although the length of that distance can depend on a variety of factors such as the device type, whether there are any obstacles between the phone and the lock, or whether the phone uses NFC or Bluetooth Low Energy to unlock.

Also, unlike with physical keys, data is sent over the air to the user's mobile phone. This means that the updating of data like access permissions, for example, takes place any time the user has a working internet connection on their phone.

The situation is similar for Apple Wallet keys.


The process for creating an access plan in Nebula is broadly as follows:

Create devices

Create access rights

Create users

Assign access rights

Assign keys

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