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Mobile devices

How do I enable fingerprint to perform lock openings?

To use a fingerprint instead of a PIN when you want to perform lock openings, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure that the biometric settings on your mobile device are enabled (Touch ID & Passcode for iOS and Security Settings for Android).
  2. Go to your Salto KS app > Settings > App Settings > Enable TouchID. Make sure this is selected.
  3. To use a fingerprint, you have to first activate an IQ. When you are activating the IQ on your app, you have two options. Either you can choose to store IQ PIN in Keychain, or you can select NO THANKS.
  4. If you have STORE IQ PIN selected, then you can use a fingerprint for the locks that are connected with that IQ.

Please note: If you want to remove the use of fingerprint, you can navigate back to the original IQ (from the IQs section of the app) click on the IQ and choose Remove IQ PIN.

Can I use the Salto KS app on multiple devices?

Yes, you can use our application on multiple devices.

How can I activate my IQ within the Mobile Application?

It is necessary to activate the IQ in the app to be able to have IQ control and access, as well as to be able to generate the code and open locks remotely.

How does it work when I have a new device, have reinstalled the application and need a code?

If you have activated your IQ on any mobile device, you will need to create a code to activate IQs on any subsequent device. A new PIN will only be sent to the first device you activate and not to any subsequent devices.

If you still have access to (one of) your activated devices then generate a code from that device and enter it in the new device you wish to activate. If you don't have access to (one of) your activated devices then you will have to ask your site owner to reset your PIN.

How do I reset the PIN as a super user?

If a super user doesn't have access to (one of) their activated devices then the site owner will have to reset their PIN. Once this has been done, you can activate your new device.

The site owner can reset the PIN by going to: Account > Security > Reset user PIN > Select user > Reset PIN

I am a site owner without access, what should I do?

When you are the owner and don't have access to one of your previously activated devices, you can only reset the PIN by resetting the IQ. This will also reset any PIN codes for other users, who then will need to re-activate the IQs in their mobile applications.

It is necessary to activate the IQ in the app to be able to have IQ control and access, as well as to be able to generate the code.

How can I activate the IQ in the app?

Step 1: The app must first be downloaded from the Play Store for Android or from the App Store for iOS.

Step 2: Then, enter login details. Once logged in, the app will notify you that the IQ is not yet activated.

Step 3: All non-activated IQs are shown in the app menu under Non-activated IQs. Select the Activate button and press OK so that the system sends a text message.

Step 4: You will then receive a text message with a 4 digit PIN.

Step 5: Copy the PIN received from the text message, and then a unique, non-transferable PIN should be entered.

Step 6: Lastly, enter your PIN again to confirm. There you have it. The IQ will be activated!

What does it mean if I receive the notification: "This IQ is activated on a different device"?

If you receive a notification stating, "This IQ is activated on a different device" there are generally 3 situations in which this can occur. Please check if:

  1. You have already activated the IQs on another device, but you want to replace your phone.

  2. You have re-installed the app on your phone.

  3. The app storage has been cleared by an app cleaner tool.

In the first case, you can generate an activation code on the other, already activated, device. If you don't have access to this device anymore or you (unintentionally) re-installed the app on your device, as mentioned under point two, please ask one of your site administrators to help you. They can go to Site > Rights in the Salto KS Web App, and they will be able to reset your PIN for all the IQs. Once this is done, you will be able to complete the IQ activation process in the mobile app. For point three, which typically only happens on Android devices, please reach out to our support team, as this might re-occur.

If you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to Salto Systems Support.

I lost my mobile device, How can I solve this?

If you have lost your mobile device, the site admin or the site owner can reset your IQ PIN Codes in the Salto KS Web App (in case you were using Remote Opening), so you can activate them on your new phone.

If you were just using digital key, your phone will activate itself after logging into the app on your phone and create a new digital key. You (or a site admin) can block the old one if you choose to do so.

Can more than one person's fingerprint be registered to my app?

The use of fingerprint or face recognition in the app is a function of your phone and not of the app itself. If you choose to allow someone else to add their own fingerprint to your phone, you will be able to use that as well.

This person will then also be able to unlock your phone and use it freely, so we advise you to consider this before deciding to allow this.

What version of Android and iOS does the Salto KS app require?

The Salto KS Mobile App can be downloaded for Android devices compatible with version 6.0 and for iOS devices compatible with version 13.

List of supported devices for iOS:

List of supported devices for Android:

In other words, the minimum supported version of Android is 6.0 and the minimum supported version of iOS is 13.

How do I uninstall the Mobile App? Will my account get deleted?

You can uninstall the Salto KS Mobile App the same way you uninstall any other app on your phone. Your KS account will not be deleted.

Please keep in mind that if you are replacing your phone and you are using the remote opening feature, you should first enable the app on your new phone before you remove it from your old phone. If you fail to do so, a site admin needs to reset your PIN Codes before you can activate IQs on your new phone.

If you are the site owner, you even have to reset every IQ, causing all other users to have to re-activate their IQs as well.

What is the maximum number of additional devices that I can enable?

For the moment, there is no limitation on the number of devices you can enable.

How secure is the Mobile App?

Using the Salto KS Mobile App for iOS and Android is safe and highly secure.

Building trust and confidence, data security, and security of the locking hardware is critical to everything we do at Salto KS.

There are policies and management functions in place to protect your data against unauthorized access. We use industry best practices to keep you and your users safe.

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