Salto XS4 One Work in progress
Here you can download PDFs of the installation guides for all the different models of the Salto XS4 One electronic lock.
XS4 One - all models except Ei7xxxRO—Ei7xxxSH (DIN) | Ei7xxxDL (USA Deadlatches) | Ei7xxxxxxxxxxP (cert PAS24): Document 225083
XS4 One - only models Ei7xxxDL (USA Deadlatches): Document 225518
XS4 One - applicable to these models Ei7xxxxxxxxxxP (cert PAS24): Document 225583
XS4 One - applicable only to these models Ei7xxxRO—Ei7xxxSH (DIN): Document 225526
XS4 One - is a complement to some models: Document 225293
XS4 One - for handing selection of half escutcheons: Document 225619