I'm an operator and my users can't enroll into Orion

The checks in this troubleshooting guide are for system administrators and operators using Space as the access control system.

Is the user email address correct in Space?

Verify the user's email address used for face recognition in Space.

Refer to the Face Recognition section to confirm the user's email is correct.

What is the status of the user's enrollment in Space?

Verify the user's face recognition enrollment status.

Refer to the Face Recognition section to confirm the status, which should be User enrolled.

Is the Space server able to communicate with Orion?

Check that the Orion Server and the access control system are both online.

Go to the Orion Console and find the server status area which includes connectivity with the ACS. For recognition at the door to function, at least Access Control System status must be green, and the Connection Status must be CONNECTED.

Has the user received the email?

The email must be triggered via the ACS and cannot be forwarded from another inbox.

In the email received by the user, check that they are able to follow the link to the Orion Enrollment Service.

You can also check if all systems are operational on the Salto status page.

What should I do if the problem persists?

If all other steps have been tried and the issue remains undiagnosed, get in touch with your regular Salto technical support contact.

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