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Signing in to Nebula Beta

Dónde iniciar sesión

You can find the sign-in page for Salto Nebula at:

Signing in to Salto NebulaYou can sign in to Nebula using a variety of methods

Note that to be able to sign in to Nebula, you need to first receive an invitation email.

Cómo iniciar sesión

Salto Nebula supports the following ways to sign in:

Cada una de estas opciones se describe más detalladamente a continuación.

The process is the same whether you're signing in to either Nebula web or Nebula app. However, to sign in to the app, you first need to download it from the corresponding app store.

If a manager assigns you a management role in Nebula, enabling you to manage resources in your installation or unit, you'll receive an email notification like the one below.

Salto Nebula sign in emailExample of an email indicating manager access

Once you receive this notification, you can start to sign in to the application by using the Get started! button in the email.

The following processes also apply to any subsequent sign-ins. This could also include a sign-in which is required because a manager has assigned you an app key, for example. That's to say, not only managers use this sign-in process.

Passwordless sign-in

Inicio de sesión sin contraseña significa que no tienes que recordar una contraseña única y de larga duración cada vez que desees iniciar sesión. There are 2 ways of signing in using the passwordless method:

  1. Using the magic link
  2. Using a randomly-generated code

If you sign in using only your email address, you'll receive a 'magic link' in your inbox which you can use to access Nebula. Para recibir el enlace mágico, haz lo siguiente:

  • Enter your email at
  • Select Continue
  • Revisa tu bandeja de entrada
  • Select the Sign in button in the email to access Nebula

Example of passwordless sign-inIf you use the magic link, click on the 'Sign in' button to access Nebula

El enlace mágico que recibas en tu correo electrónico es válido durante 15 minutos y solo puede ser utilizado una vez.


Como alternativa al uso del enlace mágico puedes introducir un código. Este código se envía en el mismo correo electrónico que contiene el enlace mágico. Para usarlo, una vez que hayas introducido tu correo electrónico, selecciona la opción Use the code instead y Continue.

Use the code optionAs an alternative to the magic link option, you can also enter a code

This might be useful for an installer of Salto hardware, for example, who may be accessing Nebula on a tablet while configuring devices using a phone.

Example of code optionEnter the code that's sent to your email address

Sign in with Google

You can use your Google account to sign in to Nebula. To access the application using a Google account, you must first ensure that you have a user profile created in Nebula. You must also ensure that the email address you use with your Google account is the same as the one you're using to access Nebula.

Sign in with Apple

You can use your Apple account to sign in to Nebula. por lo que puedes usar Face ID o Touch ID para iniciar sesión. También puedes introducir manualmente tu ID de Apple y tu contraseña en caso necesario.

Sign in with Microsoft

You can use your Microsoft Account to sign in to Nebula. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management service which allows Microsoft users who use domains such as,, etc. to sign in and access resources in SaaS applications. The first time you enter your Microsoft email and password, you must allow Nebula to use your Microsoft account. Once you have allowed Nebula to use your account this screen no longer appears on future sign-ins.

Resolución de problemas

If you didn't receive an email select Didn't get an email? and check the following:

  • Tu proveedor de correo puede estar tardando más de lo esperado. Espera un par de minutos y actualiza tu bandeja de entrada.
  • Revisa tu carpeta de Spam. Tu cliente de correo puede estar enviando estos correos a Spam por error.
  • Comprueba que has introducido la dirección de correo electrónico correcta. En caso de error, puedes volver a introducir tu correo electrónico seleccionando Re-enter your email and try again.

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