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Device overview in Nebula Beta

Devices are pieces of hardware such as electronic locks, gateways and controllers. They can be any item of hardware used in the Nebula system.

It's useful to consider that electronic locks are the "core" types of device in Nebula. Other devices such as gateways, encoders could be considered more "peripheral" hardware items.


Esta sección general hace referencia solo a la funcionalidad genérica que es aplicable a todos los tipos de dispositivos. For a full description of how to manage devices see the sections relating to each individual device type.

Nomenclatura de los dispositivos

As well as using a coherent naming pattern when naming devices in Nebula, make sure you also use a unique name for each device type. That's to say, if you create an access point called "Main entrance", you cannot create another access point in your installation called "Main entrance". However, you could create a gateway called "Main entrance", if required.

See the sections on each specific device type for more details on naming devices.

Cómo eliminar dispositivos

You can delete devices in Nebula as long as they have not already been configured with the app.

Si un dispositivo ya está configurado, primero debe restablecerse usando la aplicación.

Consulta cómo restablecer dispositivos para más información.

Cómo sustituir dispositivos

Puedes sustituir dispositivos averiados por otros nuevos sin perder la información de los mismos. This might be useful if, for example, you need to replace an electronic lock but want to maintain the device's associated access rights and activity.

Para ello, una vez que el dispositivo haya sido desinstalado y el nuevo dispositivo esté ya montado, el instalador deberá usar la aplicación móvil de Nebula para configurar el nuevo dispositivo.

They need to use the "Replace a device" link on the app Configure screen. También se tiene que asegurar de que selecciona el nombre del dispositivo que está sustituyendo en la lista de nombres de dispositivos ya configurados.

See also replacing devices in the installer section of the user guide.

Use the Replace a device option only to replace a damaged or irrecoverable device. Once you replace a device, the process cannot be undone.

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