Homelok release notes March 2025
Nearby doors carousel New feature
If you have access to several doors, the Homelok app now displays a carousel in the My keys section containing information cards of all the nearby doors that you have access to. Each card shows the name of the installation as well as the name of the specific door.
This carousel updates as you move around the installation and doors come in and out of range. You can use the refresh button to view the doors closest to you. This will make them appear first in the carousel.
This feature allows you to choose which nearby doors you want to unlock without having to position yourself right beside the lock.
The carousel updates as you move around your installation and doors come in and out of range
You need to download the latest versions of the Homelok iOS and Android apps to be able to use this feature.
See the section on unlocking doors with the Homelok app for more detailed information.
Direct debit subscription New feature
An option to pay your Homelok subscription by direct debit is now available in selected SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) countries. This complements the already-existing card payment option.
This option is only visible to users with the owner role and is available in selected countries. Please check with your usual Salto contact to confirm availability.
See the section on subscriptions for more details.
Enable unit privacy when unit is occupied Changed
You can now enable unit privacy in an occupied unit, as long as there is at least one unit manager already created in the unit.
See the section on unit privacy for more information.