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Unit privacy in Nebula Beta


The unit privacy option allows you to limit the control that owners and system managers have over units. When enabled, owners and system managers can see neither events that take place on the unit's activity section nor manage the users that belong to that unit. Solo tienen capacidad limitada de gestión en aquellas units en las que está activada la privacidad de la unit.

This feature is intended to be used in situations where a system manager or owner hands over the management of a unit to a unit manager. The unit privacy feature avoids system managers and owners being able to track all the unlocking activity and user modification updates, etc. that take place in the installation. It is intended to be used when the system manager doesn't need to know if a unit manager invites a friend or if the friend unlocks the main front door.

Las units deben tener, como mínimo, un gestor de units para que se pueda activar la privacidad de las mismas.

Activación de la privacidad

La privacidad puede habilitarse por cada unit. This means that when you create a unit, you have the option to enable privacy for that specific unit.

To enable this option, go to Units > Create and enable the Privacy checkbox.

Unit privacy checkboxYou can enable the 'Privacy' option when you create a unit

With the privacy option enabled, once you move in the unit and add the first users, you will no longer see the Users or Activity tabs in that unit. Únicamente verás la lista de accesos pertenecientes a la unit.

Note that once it's moved in, the status of the unit changes to Occupied.

Unit privacy onSystem managers can only see access rights in the unit when unit privacy is turned on

Estado de la privacidad

Puedes comprobar de un vistazo qué units tienen habilitada la privacidad consultando la lista de units de tu instalación.

Unit privacy statusList of units with privacy marked 'on' or 'off'

Desactivación de la privacidad

Puedes desactivar la privacidad de la unit mediante la opción Editar y desmarcando la casilla Privacidad de unit.

As a system manager or owner, if you disable privacy on a specific unit, from that moment onwards you will see the activity and users of the unit. Sin embargo, no verás la actividad que ha tenido lugar en la unit desde el momento en que se activó la privacidad hasta el momento en que la desactivaste.

Only once you move out the unit and its status changes to Vacant, will you be able add users again.

La privacidad de unit no se puede desactivar hasta que finalices estancia en la unit.

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