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FAQs for site admins and owners

How do I add a new unit to an XS4 Com iGO site?

Both site owners and site admins can add a new unit to an XS4 Com site. Here's how:

  1. Go to the main XS4 Com dashboard.
  2. Select the Add Unit option from the Quick Actions dropdown menu.
  3. Provide the required information:
    • Enter the Unit Name or Number.
    • Choose the floor from an existing dropdown menu or create a new one if necessary.

What does a site owner need to do after receiving an invitation email for XS4 Com iGO?

If the site owner is new to Salto KS and XS4 Com, they will receive an invitation email with a link to complete their profile setup and accept the terms of service on the XS4 Com platform. This step is necessary before they can manage the site and its settings.

If the site owner is already using Salto KS or XS4 Com, they will not receive this email, as their profile is already established.

How can a site admin correct site information in XS4 Com iGO?

If the site admin notices incorrect information on the Site Overview page, such as the Site Name or Site Address, they can make corrections directly through the platform. This ensures that all site information remains accurate and up to date.

For updates to the QR code, corrections should be made on the Entrances page, as QR codes are associated with specific entrances.

How does a site admin add residents to XS4 Com iGO?

To add and manage residents on an XS4 Com site, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Users tab in the XS4 Com, then select Residents.
  2. Click Add Resident and enter the resident's email, first name, and last name. Assign the resident accordingly: for Residential sites, assign them to a specific unit and floor within the site; for Company Sites, assign them to a specific company profile within the site.
  3. After adding the resident, they will receive a notification email with a link to download the XS4 Com app (available for iOS and Android).
  4. If the resident is new, they must accept the invitation to complete their profile and activate access.
  5. To edit or remove a resident, go to the Residents list and select Edit or Remove next to the resident's name.

As a site admin you should verify resident information and ensure they assign the correct unit or floor before confirming the setup.

How does adding a resident differ for a company site compared to a residential site?

For residential sites, residents are assigned to a specific unit and floor within the site.

For company sites, residents are assigned to a company profile within the site.

How can site admins enroll additional site admins for a site?

Only existing site owners can enroll additional site admins for an XS4 Com site. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Users tab in the XS4 Com, then select Site Admins.
  2. Click on Invite Site Admin and enter the email, first name, and last name of the new site admin.
  3. The new site admin will receive a site invitation email with a link to access XS4 Com, along with links to download the XS4 Com app from app stores. If they are new to Salto KS or XS4 Com, they will also receive a profile completion email prompting them to complete their profile setup first.

Only site admins can manage other site admin enrollments. Once enrolled, the new site admin will have access to manage the site and its residents.

What is the maximum number of users XS4 Com can support in a single unit?

XS4 Com can technically support an unlimited number of users in a single unit. However, the number of users allowed may depend on the subscription plan you have. This ensures that XS4 Com can meet the needs of both small and large installations, with the flexibility to scale as needed.

What options are available for customizing how residents' names are displayed in the XS4 Com phonebook?

Site Admins can customize how residents' names are displayed in the phonebook with the following options:

  • Full Name (default setting)
  • First Name Initial and Last Name (or vice versa)
  • Initials Only
  • Alias, if assigned by the Site Admin

These settings apply site-wide, meaning all phonebooks within the same site will reflect the selected customization. The only exception is the alias, which can be customized per individual resident and will appear in all phonebooks for that site once set.

How does the Site Admin choose how residents' names are displayed in the XS4 Com phonebook?

To customize how residents' names appear in the phonebook, log in to XS4 Com and go to Phonebook Configuration under the Site section.

In the Resident Display Settings, choose the preferred format (for example, Full Name, Initials, or First Name Initial and Last Name).

If a resident has requested an alias, it will automatically appear in the phonebook, regardless of the selected display setting.

How can a Site Admin assign an alias to a resident in the phonebook?

To assign an alias to a resident, log in to XS4 Com and navigate to the Residents section.

Click the three-dot menu next to the resident's name and select Set Alias to customize their alias.

Enter the desired alias in the Alias field (maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters).

Save changes. The alias will now appear in the phonebook instead of the resident's full name.

How does the alias work across multiple sites for a Resident?

An alias is a site-level property, meaning it is specific to each site. If a resident is listed in more than one site, the alias must be set individually for each site. For example, if a resident belongs to two sites, you will need to assign the alias for each site separately.

How can a Site Admin configure the display of building details in the phonebook?

To configure the display of building details, log in to XS4 Com and go to Phonebook Configuration under the Site section.

Choose how to display the building information:

  • Site Name & Address
  • Site Name Only
  • Address Only

These settings will be applied across the phonebook display.

How can a Site Admin configure the display of unit details in the phonebook?

To configure the display of unit details, log in to XS4 Com and go to Phonebook Configuration under the Site section.

Select how unit information is shown:

  • Unit name & number
  • Unit name only (if applicable)
  • Unit number only

You can also control whether the unit list is:

  • Expanded on load
  • Collapsed on load

These settings will define how unit details appear in the phonebook.

What does an Unsubscribed Resident status mean?

An Unsubscribed Resident is a user who is no longer counted toward the site's subscription. While their profile remains in the system, they do not have access to site functionalities within XS4 Com. Site Admins can manage a resident's subscription status through the Residents page.

Example usage:

  • For KS: Unsubscribed Residents do not count toward the voucher limit and cannot use site functionalities.
  • For Homelok: Unsubscribed Residents are not included in the site's subscription and are not counted in the billing. They also cannot use site functionalities.

Can Site Admins change a resident's status to Subscribed/Unsubscribed?

Yes, Site Admins can change a resident's status between Subscribed and Unsubscribed. To do so, they need to navigate to the Residents section within the Users page of XS4 Com. Here, they can toggle the subscription status for each resident.

Can a Site Admin manage unsubscribed residents?

Yes, Site Admins can manage unsubscribed residents, but these residents cannot access the site.

Can a Site Owner be unsubscribed?

Yes, but they must first transfer ownership of the site. Once ownership is transferred, the previous Site Owner can be unsubscribed.

When does a Resident appear in the XS4 Com phonebook?

Residents will appear in the XS4 Com phonebook after they complete their first login to the XS4 Com app. They also need to be Subscribed Residents. If a resident is unsubscribed, they will not be listed in the phonebook, even if they were previously active. In addition, Unsubscribed Residents cannot issue Remote Opening commands.

What happens if a Site Admin tries to subscribe a Resident, but the subscription limit has been reached?

For KS, if a Site Admin attempts to subscribe a Resident and the subscription limit has been reached, they will receive a message informing them of this. The resident will not be subscribed. If the Site Admin is inviting a new resident and the limit has already been reached, they will have the option to create them as unsubscribed or cancel the invitation.

For Homelok, there is no subscription limit, so this scenario does not apply.

Can an unsubscribed Resident be invited to the site again?

An Unsubscribed Resident remains in the system but does not have access to the site. Site Admins can change their status back to Subscribed from the Residents section within the Users page. There is no need to send a new invitation unless the resident was previously deleted.

Can a Site Admin unsubscribe themself?

No, a Site Admin cannot unsubscribe themself. Subscription management must be done by another Site Admin with the necessary permissions.

Can an unsubscribed Site Admin perform any actions on the site?

An unsubscribed Site Admin can log in but has only read-only access. They cannot invite people, create units, or manage Residents.

How can I update my phone number as a site admin?

You can update your phone number through the XS4 Com platform or Salto KS you have access to. Here's how to do it via the XS4 Com platform:

  1. Log into your dashboard.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top right of the page.
  3. Choose View Profile to open your details.
  4. Next to your current phone number, select Change.
  5. Enter your new phone number.
  6. Click Save to confirm the changes.

What are the network requirements for an XS4 Com KS installation?

Check the FAQ for the access control solution you're using for additional network requirements. The KS network requirements are available on the KS support site.

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