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Unit activity in Nebula Beta


The activity that can be seen at the unit level can be viewed both by unit managers and system managers or owners.

Unit managers

Unit managers can see events such as the unlocking of access points or access denied events that belong to their unit. They can also see events at the installation level, although only for those users that belong to their unit.

Unit manager activity viewUnit managers can only see activity that belongs to their unit

An example of this might be that they can see activity related to the front door of their apartment (unit level) as well as activity related to the main building door (installation level). In the case of the main building door, they would only see the activity of users that belong to their unit.

System managers and owners

System managers and owners can see all user activity at both the unit and installation levels in the main Activity section of Nebula. For example, a system manager can see if a unit has been moved in or moved out. A unit manager does not see these event types in their own unit.

Unit activity move in / outUnlike unit managers, system managers can see unit move in or move out events

If a system manager or an owner wants to see only the activity taking place in a unit, they need to click on the Activity tab of that specific unit.

Unit activity tab viewSystem managers can see unit-specific activity in the 'Activity' tab of that specific unit

For more information on the types of events, see the dedicated activity section.

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