I'm a visitor
Welcome to the visitor page for XS4 Com. This section is intended for visitors who are trying to get access to a property that uses XS4 Com.
Residents can start receiving calls from visitors once they have been added to their building's contacts list.
As a visitor, you can use the camera on your mobile phone to scan the QR code. This will redirect you to a link on your phone's web browser displaying all the contacts on the list without the need to download an app. You can also tap the QR code with your phone, even when the phone is locked and with the screen off. A small NFC chip placed underneath the code directs you to the same web link showing the contacts.
Scan the code on the QR plate to start the call
You start the call to the resident's phone by clicking on the phone icon next to the resident's name. A video feed will automatically be displayed showing the visitor (for phones that have operating cameras) but this will only show the resident if they accept the call and choose to enable their video.
Tap on the phone icon to contact the resident