Orion Camera LED status reference

LED statuses

Solid WhiteSolid WhiteRecognitionAwaiting proximity sensor detection.
Flashing WhiteFlashing WhiteRecognitionSearching for a face and performing access request.
Solid GreenSolid GreenCommissioning, recognitionDuring commissioning, this means that all peripherals are OK (sensor, camera, network, LEDs). During recognition, this means Access granted. The ACS should be opening the door at this stage
Flashing GreenFlashing GreenCommissioningCommissioning was successful.
Solid RedSolid RedCommissioning, QR-reset, recognitionSymbolizes denied, whether that is an incorrect QR code or an unrecognized person in front of the Orion Device.
Flashing RedFlashing RedCommissioning, QR-reset, recognitionOften means an error has occurred and that investigation is needed.
Flashing BlueFlashing BlueCommissioningAttempting to connect to, and configure with, Orion Server.
Solid YellowSolid YellowCommissioningThe Camera Unit detects a presence during commissioning.
Flashing YellowFlashing YellowCommissioningThe Orion Device is in commissioning mode and is waiting to be commissioned to an Orion Server.
Rainbow coloursRainbow coloursQR-resetA non-random sequence of lights is showing as an Orion Device security measure. Enter these into the Orion Console to reset this Orion Device.
OffOffCommissioning, decommissioning, QR-reset, recognitionThe Orion Device is either turned off, or in the process of restarting.

Flow diagrams


When first recieving a new Orion Device, it will be in commissioning mode. In this mode, it is waiting to be paired to a door through the Orion Console. Installers can use the health check QR code, provided through the Orion Console, to check that Orion Devices have been installed correctly without the need for a server present.





Flashing Yellow
Searching for QR codes

Flashing Yellow
Back to searching
for QR codes

Something is in front
of the proximity sensor

Orion Camera sees
the health check QR code

Orion Camera sees
a commission QR code

Solid Yellow
Proximity sensor detects a

Is the Device

Solid Green
Successful test of network,
camera, LEDs & sensor

Solid Red
Something disconnected of
network, camera,
LEDs & sensor

Flashing Blue
Attempting to connect to,
and configure with,
an Orion Server


Did commissioning

Flashing Green
Successfully commissioned.

Flashing Red
Commissioning failed,
Investigation required


Solid White
Begin recognition mode


When the Orion Device receives the message from the server to unpair from a door, it is decommissioning. This will return the Device from recognition to commissioning mode.

Solid White
Waiting for the proximity

Orion Server sends
a decommission command


Flashing Yellow
Begin commissioning mode


Under normal operation, the Orion Device is in recognition mode, during which it is waiting for the proximity sensor to detect a presence and then perform access requests to the Orion Server with pictures taken from its camera.

Valid user

Face rejected

No face found

Solid White
Waiting for the proximity

Solid White
Back to waiting for
the proximity sensor

Orion Camera detects a

Flashing Red
A minor error has occurred
and is recovering

Flashing Red
A fatal error has occurred

Restarting to recover from
a fatal error

Flashing White
Searching for a face and
attempting access

Who is in front
of the camera?

Show Red
A face was found,
but denied access

Show Green
A face was found,
and access granted.

QR reset

The QR reset mode is a backup reset process in the event that the server is not available to initiate decommissioning. The unique flashing light sequence in conjunction with the QR codes provided by the console prove the resetter's legitimacy and will revert the Device back into commissioning mode when it is completed.

Solid White
in recognition mode

Orion Device scans the
decommissioning QR code

Preparing colour sequence

Flash five random colours
Could be any combination
of yellow, green, blue, red,
white, cyan and magenta

Orion Device scans the
second decommissioning
QR code

Process timed out

Was the QR
code correct?


Flash Red
QR code or LED
combination not accepted

Solid White
Return to recognition mode

Flashing Yellow
Enter commissioning mode

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